How to convert HTML content to PDF? Once, this question was very intricate. But after getting the solution I found it like a piece of cake. Here, I have provided solution with C# code so that you don’t have to waste your time by looking here and there for the solutions.

I have used iTextSharp.dll (version in my solution which is very useful indeed. You can get it from here.

Review the below code, where I have converted content of the GridView to HTML and then I have converted that HTML content into a PDF file.

I have put comments with the code for more specification.
//Include following name space to use iTextSharp library
using iTextSharp.text;
using iTextSharp.text.pdf;
//Document is inbuilt class, available in iTextSharp
Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4, 80, 50, 30, 65);
StringBuilder strData = new StringBuilder(string.Empty);
//I have provided Path for the HTML which will be generated from GridView content
string strHTMLpath = Server.MapPath("MyHTML.html");
//I have provided Path for the PDF file which will be generated from HTML content
string strPDFpath = Server.MapPath("MyPDF.pdf");
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
HtmlTextWriter htw = new HtmlTextWriter(sw);
//gvSearchResult is a GridView, I have converted its content to HTML and will acquire final PDF file
/*Here i have set AllowPaging and AllowSorting property of GridView as false, As my aim is to get whole content of the GridView in a single table, by setting these properties and binding the GridView again will remove paging and sorting property from it. */
gvSerchResult.AllowPaging = false;
gvSerchResult.AllowSorting = false;
//Rendering the HtmlTextWriter
/*Here i have set AllowPaging and AllowSorting property of GridView as true, As my aim is to get whole content of the GridView is now finished and I have acquire its content in HtmlTextWriter. Then by setting properties again I will get the original form of my GridView again*/
gvSerchResult.AllowPaging = true;
gvSerchResult.AllowSorting = true;
StreamWriter strWriter = new StreamWriter(strHTMLpath, false, Encoding.UTF8);
strWriter.Write("<html><head><link href=Style.css rel=stylesheet type=text/css /></head><body>" + htw.InnerWriter.ToString() + "</body></html>");
StyleSheet styles = new iTextSharp.text.html.simpleparser.StyleSheet();
styles.LoadTagStyle("ol", "leading", "16,0");
PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, new FileStream(strPDFpath, FileMode.Create));
document.Add(new Header(iTextSharp.text.html.Markup.HTML_ATTR_STYLESHEET, "Style.css"));
ArrayList objects;
styles.LoadTagStyle("li", "face", "garamond");
styles.LoadTagStyle("span", "size", "8px");
styles.LoadTagStyle("body", "font-family", "times new roman");
styles.LoadTagStyle("body", "font-size", "10px");
objects = iTextSharp.text.html.simpleparser.
HTMLWorker.ParseToList(new StreamReader(strHTMLpath, Encoding.Default), styles);
for (int k = 0; k < objects.Count; k++)
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
Response.Write(Server.MapPath("~/" + strPDFpath));
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + strPDFpath);
Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream";
Response.WriteFile(Server.MapPath("~/" + strPDFpath));
if (File.Exists(Server.MapPath("~/" + strPDFpath)))
File.Delete(Server.MapPath("~/" + strPDFpath));

Whether you found this article useful or not? please provide your valuable comments.

  1. Sush says:

    Great Article, it helped me a lot. Thank you very much, keep mailing me about ur good work. Thank a lot once again

  2. Nitesh says:

    Fantastic Article !!!!,
    I have checked so many articles on this topic & this certainly is the best.

    Thanks a lot & keep up the good work….

  3. Nam says:

    I used ur Code, didn’t change even 1 leter. Build succsess, but when i browse it i got a mistake:
    “~/C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\FinfoBase\Admin\FINFOBASE_Form\MyPDF.pdf’ is not a valid virtual path” – C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\FinfoBase is where i placed my project.

    Source Error at line : Respone.write(Server.Mapath(“~”+strPDFpath));

    Help me plz!

  4. hspinfo says:

    Hi Nam,

    You need to provide only virtual path for the Server.MapPath( ) method. For example “~/FinfoBase/Admin/…../MyPDF.pdf”.

    There for use the code like

    Hope this will help to solve your problem.
    Also check on the web, how to provide virtual path for this method.

  5. Nam says:

    Thanks hspinfo for the response, but now i get another error, name “Could not find file ‘C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\FinfoBase\Admin\FINFOBASE_Form\MyPDF.pdf'”.
    I guess that i failed to generate the “MyPDF.pdf” file or “MyHTML.html” file from the begining but i dont know how to fix it.
    Could you mind send me the example you ‘ve done so that better for me and dont waste your time.
    Thanks again .

  6. Vijay says:


    How do i do with standalone java. What is the jar file that i need to include to get the following classes to convert the html content to pdf.

    string strHTMLpath = Server.MapPath(”MyHTML.html”);
    HtmlTextWriter htw = new HtmlTextWriter(sw);

    Please share.


  7. hspinfo says:

    Hi Nam,

    You can just copy/paste code that is given here… and it will generate the HTML and PDF files on the same folder where your project is…

  8. hspinfo says:

    Hi Vijay,

    I am not aware with the Java, so I don’t know anything much on that…

    sorry dear…

  9. Nam says:

    Hi hspinfo!

    Here are those code:

    using System;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Configuration;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Web;
    using System.Web.Security;
    using System.Web.UI;
    using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
    using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
    using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
    using iTextSharp.text;
    using iTextSharp.text.pdf;
    using System.Text;
    using System.IO;
    using FinfoBase.Engine;

    public partial class Admin_FINFOBASE_Form_HTMLToPDF : System.Web.UI.Page
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (!IsPostBack)
    protected void BindGridView()
    DataTable dt = FINFOBASE_FormDB.GetAll();
    gvSerchResult.DataSource = dt;
    protected void btnConvert_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4, 80, 50, 30, 65);
    StringBuilder strData = new StringBuilder(string.Empty);
    //I have provided Path for the HTML which will be generated from GridView
    string strHTMLpath = Server.MapPath(“MyHTML.html”);
    //I have provided Path for the PDF file which will be generated from HTML content
    string strPDFpath = Server.MapPath(“MyPDF.pdf”);
    StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
    HtmlTextWriter htw = new HtmlTextWriter(sw);
    //gvSearchResult is a GridView, I have converted its content to HTML and will acquire final PDF file
    /*Here i have set AllowPaging and AllowSorting property of GridView as false, As my aim is to get
    whole content of the GridView in a single table, by setting these properties and binding
    the GridView again will remove paging and sorting property from it. */
    gvSerchResult.AllowPaging = false;
    gvSerchResult.AllowSorting = false;
    //Rendering the HtmlTextWriter
    /*Here i have set AllowPaging and AllowSorting property of GridView as true, As my aim is to get
    whole content of the GridView is now finished and I have acquire its content in
    HtmlTextWriter. Then by setting properties again I will get the original form of my GridView again*/
    gvSerchResult.AllowPaging = true;
    gvSerchResult.AllowSorting = true;
    StreamWriter strWriter = new StreamWriter(strHTMLpath, false, Encoding.UTF8);
    strWriter.Write(“” + htw.InnerWriter.ToString() + “”);
    StyleSheet styles = new iTextSharp.text.html.simpleparser.StyleSheet();
    styles.LoadTagStyle(“ol”, “leading”, “16,0”);
    PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, new FileStream(@”C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\FinfoBase\Admin\FINFOBASE_Form\MyPDF.pdf”, FileMode.Create));
    document.Add(new Header(iTextSharp.text.html.Markup.HTML_ATTR_STYLESHEET, “Style.css”));
    ArrayList objects;
    styles.LoadTagStyle(“li”, “face”, “garamond”);
    styles.LoadTagStyle(“span”, “size”, “8px”);
    styles.LoadTagStyle(“body”, “font-family”, “times new roman”);
    styles.LoadTagStyle(“body”, “font-size”, “10px”);
    objects = iTextSharp.text.html.simpleparser.
    HTMLWorker.ParseToList(new StreamReader(strHTMLpath, Encoding.Default), styles);
    for (int k = 0; k < objects.Count; k++)
    catch (Exception ex)
    throw ex;
    Response.Write(Server.MapPath(“~/Admin/FINFOBASE_Form/MyPDF.pdf “));
    Response.AddHeader(“Content-Disposition”, “attachment; filename=” + strPDFpath);
    Response.ContentType = “application/octet-stream”;
    Response.WriteFile(Server.MapPath(“~/Admin/FINFOBASE_Form/MyPDF.pdf “));
    if (File.Exists(Server.MapPath(“~/Admin/FINFOBASE_Form/MyPDF.pdf “)))
    File.Delete(Server.MapPath(Server.MapPath(“~/Admin/FINFOBASE_Form/MyPDF.pdf “)));

  10. hspinfo says:

    Hello Nam,

    You have written wrong code for the below line:

    PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, new FileStream(@”C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\FinfoBase\Admin\FINFOBASE_Form\MyPDF.pdf”, FileMode.Create));

    pls change to :
    PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, new FileStream(strPDFpath, FileMode.Create));

    Pls assign path to the variable strPDFPath, and strHTMLPath while declaring, and use the same variable for all process it as below, and do not provide any static path during the process:
    string strHTMLpath = Server.MapPath(”~/Admin/FINFOBASE_Form/MyHTML.htm”);
    string strPDFpath = Server.MapPath(”~/Admin/FINFOBASE_Form/MyPDF.pdf”);

  11. Lucía says:

    Hi… I have a problem with this code. It generates right the pdf file, but when I try to make another one, I get an error. It said that HTML file is still in use. What should I do to solve this?

    Thanks in advance and sorry for my bad english.

  12. silent Bob says:

    Hi there Vijay,

    To do this using Java you should check out iText which is the original Java implementation of the iTextSharp library.

    Hope this Helps

  13. silent Bob says:

    Also to Lucía,

    The reason the HTML file is still in use is because the HtmlTextWriter is never closed in the code. The easiest way to remedy this would be in the finally block add the line
    NOTE: you will also need to move the definition of htw out of the try block so that it is available inside the finaly block.
    This should release any resources held by the HtmlTextWriter object and let you reuse the file.


  14. oas says:

    How way can convert to multi languages.


  15. kris says:

    Does anybody have an example of working project in C# if so please send it rared to my email Thx a lot in advance.

  16. Güncel says:

    Thank you very much for your information about convert html to pdf but i can’t convert this especially another text for example can you help me how can ı convert in FCKEditor1.value convent to pdf with html tags like tables or msn smiles or normal text.
    i need so much very urgently .
    Thank for your interest
    i am waiting for your return
    Güncel Sarıman

  17. oas says:

    ”’ Html to pdf….

    Dim document As Document
    Dim strData As StringBuilder
    Dim strHTMLpath As String = “”
    Dim strPDFpath As String = “”
    Dim sw As StringWriter
    Dim strHtml As String = “”
    Dim strWriter As StreamWriter
    Dim styles As iTextSharp.text.html.simpleparser.StyleSheet
    Dim HTMLWorker As iTextSharp.text.html.simpleparser.HTMLWorker
    Dim objects As ArrayList

    document = New Document(PageSize.A4, 80, 50, 30, 65)
    strData = New StringBuilder(String.Empty)

    strHTMLpath = Server.MapPath(“MyHTML.html”)
    strPDFpath = Server.MapPath(“MyHTML.pdf”)
    sw = New StringWriter

    Dim i As Integer
    strHtml += “”
    For i = 0 To 70
    strHtml += “”
    strHtml += ”  ภาษาไทย 111″
    strHtml += ” ”
    strHtml += ” ”
    strHtml += “”
    strHtml += “”
    strHtml += ” English 222″
    strHtml += ”  ”
    strHtml += ” ”
    strHtml += “”
    strHtml += “”
    strHtml += “”

    strWriter = New StreamWriter(strHTMLpath, False, Encoding.UTF8)
    strWriter.Write(“” + strHtml + “”)

    styles = New iTextSharp.text.html.simpleparser.StyleSheet
    styles.LoadTagStyle(“ol”, “leading”, “16”)

    PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, New FileStream(strPDFpath, FileMode.Create))
    document.Add(New Header(iTextSharp.text.html.Markup.HTML_ATTR_STYLESHEET, “Style.css”))

    Dim HeaderFooter As HeaderFooter
    HeaderFooter = New HeaderFooter(New Phrase(“Page “), True)
    HeaderFooter.Border = 1
    document.Footer = HeaderFooter


    ”add picture
    ‘Dim gif1 = iTextSharp.text.Image.GetInstance(Server.MapPath(“../images/sponser/CIES_logo.gif”))

    objects = iTextSharp.text.html.simpleparser.HTMLWorker.ParseToList(New StreamReader(strHTMLpath, Encoding.Default), styles)

    HTMLWorker.ParseToList(New StreamReader(strHTMLpath, Encoding.Default), styles)
    Dim intK As Int32 = 0
    For intK = 0 To objects.Count – 1

    Catch ex As Exception

    Response.AddHeader(“Content-Disposition”, “attachment; filename=” + strPDFpath)
    Response.ContentType = “application/octet-stream”

    End Try

  18. Nailu says:

    nothing was done by using this code….

  19. Madhu says:

    Hi, I tried this example. However i couldn’t see style sheet getting applied. what could be the reason? I have checked the html file bring generated, it had style sheet applied.

  20. Qinghai says:

    oas’s code works well. I want to create a asp webform using, when click a button on the page, a table on the page will be saved to a pdf file, how can I change the code, like change strHTMLpath to table ID. Thanks.

  21. Niall Little says:

    Hello, i’m looking to find a list of the attributes that you can use with the StyleSheet.LoadTagStyle and their definition.
    Is that available anywhere? Specifically, other than controlling font and font size i want to control vertical whitespace and indentation. the “leading” tag almost does this, but does not quite do what i hoped for.

    Niall Little

  22. plaizacle says:

    Hi, cool site, good writing 😉

  23. Rakesh says:

    When i try to use the above code I get the following error:
    Control ‘gvSerchResult’ of type ‘GridView’ must be placed inside a form tag with runat=server.

    Can anybody suggest a solution for this.

  24. Thijs Vanbrabant says:


    I had the same problem and you have to override the VerifyRenderingInServerForm Method. Like this:

    public override void VerifyRenderingInServerForm(Control control)




  25. vishal parekh says:

    Hi hspinfo,

    I tried your code, and it works fine for me .

    Thanks a lot.

    Excellent work done By You.

  26. Vishal Parekh says:

    Hi, hspinfo

    In PDF which has been generated from Html file, in page of PDF

    “Untitled Page” is written and then the content is started.

    any idea How To Solve this problem?


  27. Moh says:

    hello everybody,

    I used ur code to convert html file into pdf in some application,
    but I notice I haven’t the class Markup in my iTextSharp, is this corrupt one? or should I consider something else?

  28. Minh Duong says:

    Hi every body !!!
    Thank’s a lot !!! but i can’t found “using FinfoBase.Engine;” Help me.
    Now who can tell me how can convert .doc file tho .pdf in
    I’m thank;s you so much !!!.

  29. ArunBaskar says:

    Hi, I tried this example. However i couldn’t see style sheet getting applied. what could be the reason?.

  30. ArunBaskar says:

    Hi, I tried this example. However i couldn’t see style sheet getting applied. what could be the reason? I have checked the html file bring generated, it had style sheet applied.

  31. Balaji says:


    Iam using the code given by you for converting my web page to pdf but iam having the problem of binding my gridview because iam using data list inside the datagrid for my data representation..and how to do this phenomenon…Please help me..My requirement is very urgent

  32. manoj kumar says:

    i am using datalist..
    i want to convert datalist to pdf format using itextsharp
    My requirement is very urgent

  33. saarraah33 says:

    hii , how i can convert pdf to html plz?

  34. Amiya Rout says:


    when i m executing the code
    Response.WriteFile(Server.MapPath(“~/” + strPDFpath));

    i am getting error The process cannot access the file “path..\outputfiles\914532.pdf” because it is being used by another process.

    please help

  35. Pradeep says:


    Thank You for the Great Work.

    I have report a where the tabled has rowspan in order to group the data., when i push this HTML to create PDF, the PDF is created in an unstructured manner., ie., no rowspan is applied.

    Is there any way to work on this., ( 2.0)

  36. Deepak Jindal says:

    Thanks a Lot !!!
    Very Gud Site. But i’ am getting a problem. I’ am not able to add image in my string builder. Or i closed the htw in the finally block but still it give me an error message “HTML file is used It is used by another Process”.

    PLZ Help

    Thanks a lot in Advance.

    • Pradeep says:

      Hi Deepak.,

      This might be because of the StreamReader is not closed.

      ‘In this Code might cause you the issue..’
      objects = iTextSharp.text.html.simpleparser.HTMLWorker.ParseToList(new StreamReader(strHTMLpath, Encoding.Default), styles);

      ‘Rewrite the above as..’

      StreamReader objStreamReader;
      objStreamReader = new StreamReader(strHTMLpath, Encoding.Default);
      objects = iTextSharp.text.html.simpleparser.HTMLWorker.ParseToList(objStreamReader, styles);

      Just give a try..

      Happy Coding !!

      • Deepak Jindal says:

        Thanks Pradeep it’s working fine. But i’ am facing two more issues:
        1. How we can Merge PDF Files
        2. Can we add an image in our html string (Actually) it is not taking the path. It give me an exception “IT is not a virtual path”.

        If you have any ideas send me the code.
        Thanks a lot Buddy !!!..

  37. salam says:

    Simply Superb….

    This helps me a lot….
    You done a marvelous work..

    Thanks my friend….Thanks

  38. pR123 says:

    In my output pdf the font sizes and other html formatting are coming through in the pdf but not font styles..

    Registering a certain font for a tag like ariel for span tag wouldn’t make sense in my case since the user can enter different font families for style tags, for instance they have may the word Hello in ariel followed by the name in Courier font. Any ideas?


  39. Mayuresh says:

    Hi, I am getting an error….
    “Could not find a part of the path ‘C:\Registration_files\image001.gif’.”

    I am converting Registration.html file which has its Registration_files folder in the same folder as the file is in. But still the code checks for files in “C:\Registration_files\..” a fixed location. I have never given this as default location.

    Here is my code

    ArrayList objects;

    iTextSharp.text.html.simpleparser.StyleSheet styles = new iTextSharp.text.html.simpleparser.StyleSheet();

    (It is giving exception on this line =>) objects = iTextSharp.text.html.simpleparser.HTMLWorker.ParseToList(new StreamReader(dir + ConvertFileName + “.html”), styles);

    for (int k = 0; k < objects.Count; k++)

  40. Kirti says:


    am am convert aspx page to PDf using your First code it generate html and pdf file successfully in Html format abd css is Ok but for Pdf formate are not Set alignment of table are not looking god 3 html page become 14 Pdf pages can you provide me any sugestion

    panal in place of Grideview in panal there are multiple html table

    please provide me solution

  41. Burhan says:

    The code seems reasonable, though I have not seen output of this code, as I am getting error on below line of code, it says “illeagal characters in Path”

    StreamWriter strWriter = new StreamWriter(strHTMLpath, false, Encoding.UTF8);

    any thoughts on that, why I am getting error?

  42. Burhan says:

    I am able to save the HTML Grid to PDF, it is awesome. The html file generated “MyHTML” has the CSS applied, but the PDF does not. Any idea where I am making mistake?

  43. shavirak says:

    why i am getting error
    Control ‘grdCustomer’ of type ‘GridView’ must be placed inside a form tag with runat=server.

  44. Rajesh says:

    I convert HTML page to PDF by using your code and it helped me a lot. It works fine in Internet Explorer but give an error in Mozilla.
    Error is showing in this line “objects = iTextSharp.text.html.simpleparser.HTMLWorker.ParseToList(new StreamReader(strHTMLpath, Encoding.Default), styles);”

    And the complete error is:
    “An error occurred: System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format. at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal) at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info) at iTextSharp.text.html.simpleparser.HTMLWorker.LengthParse(String txt, Int32 c) at iTextSharp.text.html.simpleparser.HTMLWorker.StartElement(String tag, Hashtable h) at iTextSharp.text.xml.simpleparser.SimpleXMLParser.ProcessTag(Boolean start) at iTextSharp.text.xml.simpleparser.SimpleXMLParser.Go(TextReader reader) at iTextSharp.text.html.simpleparser.HTMLWorker.ParseToList(TextReader reader, StyleSheet style, Hashtable interfaceProps) at iTextSharp.text.html.simpleparser.HTMLWorker.ParseToList(TextReader reader, StyleSheet style)”

  45. Rajesh says:

    Now it is working also in Mozilla but there is alignment problem. All contents are writing left align forcefully in IE and right align forcefully in Mozilla but actual alignment in HTML is center.
    Can u help me It is very argent .


  46. Biswajit Mohapatra says:

    Very nice posting. I found out what I was actually looking for.

  47. Bindu says:

    i am getting an error in this code
    “ArrayList objects =(ArrayList) iTextSharp.text.html.simpleparser.
    HTMLWorker.ParseToList(new StringReader(strpath),styles);”

    “cannot implicitly convert type ‘system.collections.generic.list to system.collections.arraylist “…

    Pls Help , waiting for ur reply

  48. Bindu says:

    i am getting an error in this code
    “ArrayList objects =(ArrayList) iTextSharp.text.html.simpleparser.
    HTMLWorker.ParseToList(new StringReader(strpath),styles);”

    “cannot implicitly convert type ‘system.collections.generic.list to system.collections.arraylist “…

    Pls Help , waiting for ur reply

  49. bittu says:

    I used ur code,i am getting error like ” Cannot implicitly convert type ‘System.Collections.Generic.List’ to ‘System.Collections.ArrayList'” at HTMLWorker.ParseToList(new StreamReader(strHTMLpath, Encoding.Default), styles);
    Can some one help me,i need very urgent

  50. Jerry says:

    As nice as this is written, it uses the same “coding tecnique” I found on several other sites.

    objects = iTextSharp.text.html.simpleparser.HTMLWorker.ParseToList(new StreamReader(strHTMLpath, Encoding.Default), styles);

    And it gets the same compile error for the above statement: Cannot implicitly convert type ‘System.Collections.Generic.List’ to ‘System.Collections.ArrayList’

    I am using VS 2008 and iTextSharp.dll version Any suggestions?

  51. Vsivak says:

    I got what i needed but i have image, styles in html file and spaces (&nbsp) but when i convert to pdf the image size is not set and not aligned as html page.

    i need solution for that.
    for example my html file will be like


  52. bella says:

    can i use this in
    i have tried using this cod emany time but giving me mnay errors..

  53. Prashant says:

    Great Post! You solved my months long problem. No need to buy those $300-500 libraries with this code in hand 🙂

  54. jagadish says:

    nice article thanks for solution.

  55. Az says:

    string htmltext =”Some text “;

    Paragraph para = new Paragraph(htmltext,font);


    do any one knows a solution? para do not show any html tag properties.

  56. Tamanna says:


    I am getting this error.

    Error – Cannot implicitly convert type ‘System.Collections.Generic.List’ to ‘System.Collections.ArrayList’

    plz help me..
    its urgent

  57. Kitty Zheng says:

    Nice article, but so much code!

    As an alternative suggestion, the following example uses only ten lines of code to produce paged output using ABCpdf.NET, which fully supports HTML and CSS.

    Doc theDoc = new Doc();
    theDoc.Page = theDoc.AddPage();
    int theID = theDoc.AddImageUrl(@””);
    while (true) {
    if (!theDoc.Chainable(theID)) break;
    theDoc.Page = theDoc.AddPage();
    theID = theDoc.AddImageToChain(theID);

  58. Sony says:

    The Error shows

    objects = iTextSharp.text.html.simpleparser.HTMLWorker.ParseToList(new StreamReader(strHTMLpath, Encoding.Default), styles);

    And it gets the same compile error for the above statement: Cannot implicitly convert type ‘System.Collections.Generic.List’ to ‘System.Collections.ArrayList’

  59. rcp says:

    Conversion HTML2pdf is right now my major case. I found some really good stuff down here. Thanks! Waiting for some more useful articles 🙂

  60. nico says:

    Does anyone know how to translate this code to C# for windows applications? Please help out.

    Thanks in advance.


  61. pdfer says:


    Using the code above, I received the error “The number of columns in PdfPTable constructor must be greater than zero.” Please help out.

    Thanks in advance.

  62. sagar says:

    your code is usefull,

    plase let me know about below error in that line:

    objects = iTextSharp.text.html.simpleparser.HTMLWorker.ParseToList(new StreamReader(strHTMLpath, Encoding.Default), styles);

    Error :Cannot implicitly convert type ‘System.Collections.Generic.List’ to ‘System.Collections.ArrayList’

  63. dharmesh says:

    same error can not implicity

  64. Jonny Pham says:

    You have sent demo details i don’t understand when you get css in code.

  65. Duy Hoa says:

    you can sent demo with me.i need it.
    please help me.

  66. Duy Hoa says:

    plz sent me this project.i need it for my work.

  67. Daniel says:

    Hi all! And thanks for this great code!

    I have a problem… When I try to create a PDF file (using the code you posted), the PDF is created and saved. But, if I try to refresh page, and to re-run the code, this error appears:

    System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file ‘D:\ ..PATH.. \FileName.pdf’.

    How could I fix this problem?

  68. Mithun Patra says:

    //Document is inbuilt class, available in iTextSharp
    Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4, 80, 50, 30, 65);
    System.Text.StringBuilder strData = new System.Text.StringBuilder(string.Empty);

    //I have provided Path for the HTML which will be generated from GridView content

    string strHTMLpath = Server.MapPath(“MyHTML.html”);

    //I have provided Path for the PDF file which will be generated from HTML content

    string strPDFpath = Server.MapPath(“MyPDF.pdf”);
    StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
    HtmlTextWriter htw = new HtmlTextWriter(sw);

    //gvSearchResult is a GridView, I have converted its content to HTML and will acquire final PDF file
    /*Here i have set AllowPaging and AllowSorting property of GridView as false, As my aim is to get whole content of the GridView in a single table, by setting these properties and binding the GridView again will remove paging and sorting property from it. */

    FormView1.AllowPaging = false;


    //Rendering the HtmlTextWriter


    /*Here i have set AllowPaging and AllowSorting property of GridView as true, As my aim is to get whole content of the GridView is now finished and I have acquire its content in HtmlTextWriter. Then by setting properties again I will get the original form of my GridView again*/

    FormView1.AllowPaging = false;


    StreamWriter strWriter = new StreamWriter(strHTMLpath, false, Encoding.UTF8);
    strWriter.Write(“” + htw.InnerWriter.ToString() + “”);
    StyleSheet styles = new iTextSharp.text.html.simpleparser.StyleSheet();
    styles.LoadTagStyle(“ol”, “leading”, “16,0”);
    PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, new FileStream(strPDFpath, FileMode.Create));
    document.Add(new Header(iTextSharp.text.html, “Style.css”));
    ArrayList objects;
    styles.LoadTagStyle(“li”, “face”, “garamond”);
    styles.LoadTagStyle(“span”, “size”, “8px”);
    styles.LoadTagStyle(“body”, “font-family”, “times new roman”);
    styles.LoadTagStyle(“body”, “font-size”, “10px”);
    objects = iTextSharp.text.html.simpleparser.
    HTMLWorker.ParseToList(new StreamReader(strHTMLpath, Encoding.Default), styles);
    for (int k = 0; k < objects.Count; k++)
    catch (Exception ex)
    throw ex;
    Response.Write(Server.MapPath("~/" + strPDFpath));
    Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + strPDFpath);
    Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream";
    Response.WriteFile(Server.MapPath("~/" + strPDFpath));
    if (File.Exists(Server.MapPath("~/" + strPDFpath)))
    File.Delete(Server.MapPath("~/" + strPDFpath));

  69. Mithun Patra says:

    The type or namespace name ‘Markup’ does not exist in the namespace ‘iTextSharp.text.html’ (are you missing an assembly reference?)

    i am using iTextSharp.dll (version 5.1.3)

  70. srikanth says:

    Hi hpsinfo am getting tow errors:
    Error 1:The type or namespace name ‘Markup’ does not exist in the namespace ‘iTextSharp.text.html’

    Error 2: Cannot implicitly convert type ‘System.Collections.Generic.List’ to ‘System.Collections.ArrayList’

    how to solve these 2 errors thanks in advance….

  71. Michael says:

    You should supply the source code. I find that copying and pasting does not do what you suggest it does. But I have my own working version. I was really just trying to figure out how to incorrperate css in the pdf. I tried to link the page to a css page, did’t work, tried inline tags, didn’t work. tried styles.LoadTagStyle(“span”, “size”, “8px”);, and still nothing. I see that you were doing it. and seen several good comments but I could not get your project to run. How ever my does just does not take the css.

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